Start my blog with Jekyll and disqus

NOTE: this article is first posted in my old website, which has be deprecated.

Jekyll is a powerful static website framework, which indead works for GitHub Pages. At the time I found it, I decided to apply it for my as you can see.

Some useful webpages for install Jekyll at

Host on GitHub in 3 Minutes

Actually you need only to clone the Jekyll in your, or just copy all file from Jekyll.

Jekyll advise you to clone the jekyll to local with your name and push it to your github.

git clone
git remote set-url origin
git push origin master

But if you have already create a repository at GitHub, you can also copy the files from jekyll to your repository.

git clone jekyll-bootstrap
cd jekyll-bootstrap
cp -r ./* router/to/
cd router/to/
git push origin master

It also works honestly.

Another web about the Jekyll and GitHub: Using Jekyll and GitHub Pages for Our Site

In the _config.yml, you can add some tools:

  • Jekyll is easy to add Disqus for comments. You can visit DISQUS for more details.

  • You can also use Google Analytics to track your website.

Junyuan "Jason" Hong
Junyuan "Jason" Hong
Postdoctoral Fellow

My research interest lies in the interaction of human-centered AI and healthcare.

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