Understanding Deep Gradient Leakage via Inversion Influence Functions


Deep Gradient Leakage (DGL) is a highly effective attack that recovers private training images from gradient vectors. This attack casts significant privacy challenges on distributed learning from clients with sensitive data, where clients are required to share gradients. Defending against such attacks requires but lacks an understanding of when and how privacy leakage happens, mostly because of the black-box nature of deep networks. In this paper, we propose a novel Inversion Influence Function (I$^2$F) that establishes a closed-form connection between the recovered images and the private gradients by implicitly solving the DGL problem. Compared to directly solving DGL, I$^2$F is scalable for analyzing deep networks, requiring only oracle access to gradients and Jacobian-vector products. We empirically demonstrate that I$^2$F effectively approximated the DGL generally on different model architectures, datasets, attack implementations, and noise-based defenses. With this novel tool, we provide insights into effective gradient perturbation directions, the unfairness of privacy protection, and privacy-preferred model initialization.

In The Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

Motivation: Estimate the Worst-Case Risks of Deep Gradient Leakage

Deep Gradient Leakage (DGL)1 emerges as a strong attack on gradients computed on sensitive data. Given a batch of private samples $x$, the attack is formulated as calibrating $x$ to produce the same gradient as

$$G_r(g) \triangleq \arg \min _{x\in \mathcal{X}} \lVert \nabla _{\theta} L(x, \theta) - g \rVert^2.$$

However, because of the complexity of the loss $L$ (defined over a non-linear network), the actual risk is hard to estimate. (1) First, the minimizer is hard to attain empirically. To address the challenge, we propose a numerically-feasible metric with an perfect-attacker assumption to bound the worst-case risk. The assumption can be expressed as $$G_r(\nabla_\theta L(x, \theta)) \equiv x$$ for any $x\in \mathcal{X}$, which means the attacker is able to exactly recover the original images of the given gradient. **(2)** Second, minimizing the objective is time consuming for deep networks. Deep networks are often more performant in various vision/language tasks and their privacy risks could more impactful when more people are interested in training the models on their data. **(3)** Third, given the complexity of attacking and deep networks, it is hard to analyze and understand the root source of DGL risks, especially for deep networks.

New Metric: Inversion Influence Function (I$^2$F)

To figure out the association between the leakage and the gradient $g$, we formalize a counterfactual: what kind of defense can diminish the leakage? A general noise-based defense can be written as $g = \nabla_\theta L(x_0, \theta) + \delta$ where $\delta$ is a small perturbation. Thus, for a small perturbation $\delta$, we can approximate the privacy leakage through DGL by I$^2$F: $$\lVert G_r(g_0+\delta) - x_0\rVert \approx \mathcal{I}(\delta; x_0) \triangleq \lVert (JJ^\top)^{-1} J \delta \rVert.\ \ \ \ \text{(I}^2\text{F)}$$ The I$^2$F includes a matrix inversion, computing which may be expensive and unstable for singular matrixes. Thus, we use a tractable lower bound of I$^2$F as: $$\lVert(JJ^\top)^{-1} J \delta\rVert \ge \frac{\lVert J\delta \rVert}{ \lambda_{\max}(JJ^\top)} \triangleq \mathcal{I}_{\text{lb}}(\delta; x_0),$$ where $\lambda_{\max}(A)$ denotes the maximal eigenvalues of a matrix $A$.

The new metric enjoys below advantages

  1. Efficiency: Privacy evaluation is efficient in terms of computation and memory;
Fig: Comparison of the efficiency of computing $\mathcal{I}_{lb}$ (our method) by power iteration and inversion attack by minimizing inversion loss ($L_I$). Blue bars indicate the time of computing $\mathcal{I}_{lb}$ while orange bars indicate minimizing inversion loss by DGL and GS. The time ratio of computing $\mathcal{I}_{lb}$ versus minimizing inversion loss is present above the orange bars. The x-axis are model-dataset pairs sorted by the model scales. We show that for large models and datasets, where minimizing inversion loss needs a huge computation overhead, $\mathcal{I}_{lb}$ can provide an efficient estimation of the privacy risk.
  1. Proximity: The alternative provide a good approximation or a lower bound of the risk, at least in the high-risk region;
  2. Generality: The evaluation is general for different models, datasets, and attacks.

To show the proximity and proximity, we compare the I$^2$F against the privacy measures of both vision and language models.

Fig: I$^2$F lower bounds RMSE under different settings: datasets, attacks, and models. The grey line indicates the equal values, and darker dots imply smaller Gaussian perturbation $\delta$.
Fig: I$^2$F correlates with privacy metrics of language models: BERT (top) and GPT-2 (bottom). Darker dots imply smaller Gaussian perturbation $\delta$.

When Does Privacy Leakage Happen?

Perturbation Directions Are Not Equivalent

I$^2$F implies that the perturbation is not equal in different directions. Decomposing $J=U\Sigma V^\top$ using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), we obtain $\mathcal{I}(\delta; x_0) = \lVert U\Sigma^{-1} V^\top \delta \rVert$. Thus, $\delta$ tends to yield a larger I$^2$F value if it aligns with the directions of small eigenvalues of $JJ^\top$.

Fig 1: Same perturbation sizes but different protection effects by different directions (along eigenvectors). In (a) and (b), MSEs of DGL attacks are reversely proportional to eigenvalues on the LeNet model. Blue curves are scaled $1/\lambda$. Darker dots indicate smaller MSE (higher risks). Recovered MNIST images associated with different eigenvectors are present on the right.

Comparing eigenvectors in defending DGL. We consider a special case of perturbation by letting $\delta$ be an eigenvector of $JJ^\top$. Then the I$^2$F will be $1/\lambda$ where $\lambda$ is the corresponding eigenvalue. We conjecture $1/\lambda$ could predict the MSE of DGL attacks. To verify the conjecture, we choose 4 eigenvectors with distinct eigenvalues per sample. The results for the LeNet model are present in Fig. 1. We see that the MSE decreases by $\lambda$. For the MNIST dataset, the MSE-$\lambda$ relation is very close to the predicted $1/\lambda$. Though the curve is biased from the ground truth for CIFAR10, we still can use $1/\lambda$ to lower bound the recovery error. The bias in CIFAR10 is probably due to the hardness of recovering the more complicated patterns than the digit images. The recovered images in Fig. 1 suggest that even with the same perturbation scale, there exist many bad directions for defense. In the worst case, the image can be fully covered. The observation is an alerting message to the community: protection using random noise may leak private information.

Privacy Protection Could Be Unfair

Though the average of MSE implies a reasonable privacy degree as reported in previous literature, the large variance delivers the opposite message that some samples or classes are not that safe. In the sense of samples, many samples are more vulnerable than the average case. For the classes, some classes are obviously more secure than others. Thus, when the traditional metric focusing on average is used, it may deliver a fake sense of protection unfairly for specific classes or samples.

Fig 2: The sample-wise and class-wise statistics of the DGL MSE on the MNIST dataset, when gradients are perturbed with Gaussian noise of variance $10^{-3}$. The purple lines indicate the average values. Large variances are observed among samples and classes. The recovered and original images for the well- and poorly-protected classes are depicted on the right side.

Model Initialization Matters

We observe a significant gap between initialization mechanisms. Using uniform initialization cast serious risks of leaking privacy under the same Gaussian defense. Though not as significant as uniform initialization, the normal initialization is riskier than rest two techniques. kaiming and xavier methods can favor convergence in deep learning and here we show that they are also preferred for privacy. A potential reason is that the two methods can better normalize the activations to promote the Jacobian singularity.

Fig 3: Different initialization strategies could result in distinct MSEs.


In this paper, we introduce a novel way to use the influence functions for analyzing Deep Gradient Leakage (DGL). We propose a new and efficient approximation of DGL called the Inversion Influence Function (I$^2$F). By utilizing this tool, we gain valuable insights into the occurrence and mechanisms of DGL, which can greatly help the future development of effective defense methods.

Limitations. Our work may be limited by some assumptions and approximations. First, we worked on the worst-case scenario where a strong attack conducts perfect inversion attacks. In practice, such an assumption can be strong, especially for highly complicated deep networks. However, we note that recent years witnessed many techniques that significantly improved attacking capability1 2 3 4, and our work is valuable to bound the risks when the attacks get even stronger over time. Second, similar to the traditional influence function, I$^2$F can be less accurate and suffers from large variance in extremely non-convex loss functions. Advanced linearization techniques 5 can be helpful in improving the accuracy of influence. Then extending our analysis to bigger foundation models may bring intriguing insights into the scaling law of privacy.

Future Directions. As the first attempt at influence function in DGL, our method can serve multiple purposes to benefit future research. For example, our metric can be used to efficiently examine the privacy breach before sending gradients to third parties. Since I$^2$F provides an efficient evaluation of the MSE, it may be directly optimized in conjunction with the loss of main tasks. Such joint optimization could bring in the explicit trade-off between utility and privacy in time. In comparison, traditional arts like differential privacy are complicated by tuning the privacy parameter for the trade-off. Furthermore, we envision that many techniques can be adopted to further enhance the analysis.

Broader Impacts. Data privacy has been a long-term challenge in machine learning. Our work provides a fundamental tool to diagnose privacy breaches in the gradients of deep networks. Understanding when and how privacy leakage happens can essentially help the development of defenses. For example, it can be used for designing stronger attacks, which leads to improved defense mechanisms and ultimately benefit the privacy and security of machine learning.

  1. Zhu, L., Liu, Z., & Han, S. (2019). Deep leakage from gradients. NeurIPS. ↩︎

  2. Geiping, J., Bauermeister, H., Dröge, H., & Moeller, M. (2020). Inverting gradients-how easy is it to break privacy in federated learning?. NeurIPS. ↩︎

  3. Jeon, J., Lee, K., Oh, S., & Ok, J. (2021). Gradient inversion with generative image prior. NeurIPS. ↩︎

  4. Zhao, B., Mopuri, K. R., & Bilen, H. (2020). idlg: Improved deep leakage from gradients. ArXiv. ↩︎

  5. Bae, J., Ng, N., Lo, A., Ghassemi, M., & Grosse, R. B. (2022). If Influence Functions are the Answer, Then What is the Question?. NeurIPS. ↩︎

Junyuan Hong
Junyuan Hong
Postdoctoral Fellow

My research interest lies in the interaction of human-centered AI and healthcare.
